Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Replacing a window is never as easy as you think it will be

Here is the starting point, a small window that I would like to replace with a larger one before I remodel the kitchen. Easy right?
It is never as simple as you think....the original window is 36 x 24, I want to go to a 36 x 36 replacement, not a huge change but it will make a difference. So lets get into the wall and see what we're dealing with beside the outlets which will have to move.

Of course, plumbing! This vertical piece of PVC lies right in the path of the planned right edge of my new window, so my options are to move it, or to move the window. Before we go cutting into this pipe lets see whats on the left side.
After taking down the cabinet on the left and removing a little drywall I see we are clear of plumbing on this side, so to make things easier, I'll just shift my new rough opening to the left a little and avoid touching the plumbing or electrical on the right side. Since I'm remodeling the whole kitchen anyway, this little change wont matter.
Next we need to move the studs, replace the header with a longer one and relocate the electrical on the left side. I enlarged the opening a little and removed the insulation.

I then removed the outlet from the stud and exposed the header above the opening. Why is there a 2 x 10 header over what was a 24" opening? It's over kill but not a big deal, did require I go buy some 2x10 which was a minor pain though. Here is the header exposed and the studs on the left removed.

Next we need to lengthen the header and replace the missing studs, and also lengthen the bottom plate under the opening. First lets remove it all and take some measurements.

After measuring, we can remove the window and place the new header. The below picture is the next morning, there is an overnight break here...

As you see above the header is in and the bottom plate has been extended, I also added a support under the bottom plate that you can't see, its inside the drywall to the left. Now I am reattaching the outlet box on the left. After this we are ready to deal with the siding outside in preparation for enlarging the rough opening.

Continue reading part 2

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